Capital Stack Breakdown

Capital Stack Breakdown

Just starting out as a property developer? Beginning to explore development finance? Chances are you’ve come across the term ‘capital stack’. Deciphering this piece of industry jargon is probably the last thing you want to do. No doubt you’re...
Why Joint Venture?

Why Joint Venture?

Collaboration, Collaboration, Collaboration! I love collaboration, for me it’s the essence of good business.  Find partners with common values and a shared purpose and business becomes both more interesting and more rewarding. For me, Joint Ventures are the ultimate...
Interesting Times – Crisis or Opportunity?

Interesting Times – Crisis or Opportunity?

“May you live in interesting times.” The above quote has often been called the Chinese Curse, with interesting times considered a harbinger of difficulties to come. Well, we certainly do live in interesting times, engulfed in massive socio, political and economic...